Robotic process automation ((RPA)) is a software tool that enables business automation through various tools such as bots.
(RPA) RPA is a technology that helps automate repetitive business processes and operations. Robotic process automation is the development and management of software robots that automate structured and repetitive tasks in an organization's systems. It also ensures error-free tasks with minimal time consumption.
You may be surprised to know that (RPA) has had a significant impact on different segments in recent years, as for example in the areas of banking, financial services and insurance, healthcare and pharmaceutical, manufacturing, retail, telecommunications, customer service, business services,IT, etc all over the world.
CLM has chosen ElectroNeek as our partner in the implementation of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Toutomatizacion Robotica of Procesos (RPA).
Through the suite of tools provided by Electroneek, we can provide high value-added process automation to your company.
Búsqueda #abap Remoto - Argentina
— CLM GROUP INC (@clmrrhh) June 30, 2023
Ultimas Novedades del Mundo Sap!! En CLM Group nos especializamos en implementar soluciones de Verticales de industria SAP como ISU…