SAP Hana changes the way companies manage their databases, enabling agile visualization and analysis in real time and from anywhere.

It is an in-memory platform that allows the processing of information from multiple sources, in a single system, providing strategic reports for decision making.





Caso de éxito EDENORTE

The Empresa Distribuidora de Electricidad del Norte S.A, is in charge of the marketing and distribution of electrical energy in 14 provinces in the north of the Dominican Republic; It has 126 offices in that area. It distributes a monthly average of 317 GW/h to a total of 988 thousand clients, of which around 785 thousand are billed.


Caso de éxito Argos

The Argos cement company, the leader in Colombia, founded on January 2, 1934, is the fifth largest producer in Latin America and second largest in the southeastern United States. It has plants installed in both Colombia and the United States and several other countries in the region.


Caso de éxito cantv

The National Telephone Company of Venezuela, entity attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for Science, Technology and Innovation, together with its subsidiaries Movilnet and Caveguías, is the first telecommunications company in Venezuela that has as its main objective to promote the social inclusion and the reduction of the gap in access to digital technologies.

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